Operation Round Up

We're not currently taking applications for Operation Round Up awards. Please check back often.


Operation Round Up® (ORU) is a charitable program made possible by our participating members, who generously allow Jay County REMC to round up their bill to the next whole dollar. Those pennies on the dollar are collected into a trust fund and will be distributed as grants to local nonprofit organizations.

Members on Operation Round Up will have their bill rounded up to the nearest dollar each month. For example, if your bill was $80.50, it would round up to $81.00 for the month. On average members won't spend more than $6 per year, but never more than $11.88 for the entire year. 

Nonprofit, community-based organizations and school corporations serving the general area of our service territory will be eligible to apply for grants as funding becomes available.

All grant applications must have written documentation of your 501(c)(3) and your federal ID number (EIN) must be included.

A volunteer grant review board determines application eligibility and approval for ORU funding recipients, and the contributions are tax-deductible for our members.