Water Heater Rebate
To provide an incentive to our Members to install energy efficient water heaters in new structures or replace gas water heaters with an electric model, a major remodel as determined by the REMC or for an electric to electric replacement.
• All water heaters qualifying under this program shall be in a full-time residence or a facility where the water heater will use approximately the same amount of KWH annually as used in a full-time residence. Final approval of application will be made by Jay County REMC personnel.
• A $125 bill credit will be given to a Member who installs an electric water heater in exchange for an old electric water heater. A $175 bill credit will be issued to a member who installs an electric water heater in place of a gas water heater, and a $200 credit will be given to a member with entirely new construction. The water heater will need to use approximately the same amount of KWH annually as used in a full-time residence or for a gas to electric conversion, major remodel or electric to electric replacement. The installed electric water heater shall be 30 gallons or larger in capacity have an energy factor of .91 or higher.
• All completed installations shall be inspected as to size, type, energy factor and application of water heater and inspected by REMC personnel prior to payment of applicable bill credit prior to or within six (6) months of installation. Must meet guidelines under Policy Bulletin No. 2-3A 2018.
All rebates are subject to change without notice.